Medimatch Partners Pty Ltd (‘Medimatch’, ‘we’ or ‘us’) takes your privacy seriously and is committed to ensuring that your privacy is maintained at all times. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, maintain, use and disclose your personal information and the choices you can make about your personal information.

To meet your expectations about privacy, we comply with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (‘Privacy Act’). A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner.

Acknowledgement of Our Privacy Policy

By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy. Please note that this policy does not extend your rights or our obligations beyond those defined in the Privacy Act.

Should there be any inconsistency between this policy and the Privacy Act, this policy shall be interpreted to give effect to and comply with the Privacy Act.

This policy includes examples but is not intended to be restricted in its application to such examples. Where the word ‘including’ is used, it shall mean ‘including without limitation’.

What is Personal Information

Personal information is information about you, such as your name and address. Personal information may also include opinions of others about work performance, work experience and qualifications, aptitude other information obtained by Medimatch in connection with your possible work placements.

Where necessary, personal information we collect may also include sensitive information, such as your medical history.

For each visitor to reach our website, we expressly collect the following non-personally identifiable information, including browser type, version and language, operating system, pages viewed while browsing our website, page access times and referring website address. This collected information is used solely internally for the purpose of gauging visitor traffic, trends and delivering personalised content to you while you access our website.

How is Personal Information Collected

At all times we try to only collect the information we need for the particular function or activity we are carrying out, such as obtaining a placement for you.

The main way we collect personal information is when you give it to us directly, including:

  • When you submit an application through print advertising or the internet;
  • When you attend an interview with one of our consultants;
  • When you access materials on the Medimatch website;
  • When you submit or provide Medimatch with personal information.

The personal information collected includes your name, address, email address, telephone number and work history.

Means of Collecting Personal Infromation

Personal information will also be collected when:

  • We receive any reference about you
  • We receive correspondence or make enquiries from former employers, work colleagues, professional associations or registration bodies
  • We receive results of any competency or medical test
  • We receive feedback on your performance (whether positive or negative)
  • We receive any complaint from or about you in the workplace
  • We receive any information about a workplace accident in which you are involved
  • We receive any information about insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved; or when
  • You provide us with any additional information about yourself

How We Use Your Personal Information

Your personal and sensitive information may be used in connection with:

  • Communicating with you via email or telephone;
  • Managing our financial information and processing payment for work you have completed on an independent contract basis;
  • Our assessment of your ongoing performance and work prospects;
  • Any test or assessment (including medical tests and assessments) that you may be required to take;
  • Any workplace rehabilitation;
  • Our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved;
  • Any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information;
  • To inform you of our services or events such as information or training sessions by direct mail/email which you can opt-out of at any time;
  • Ensuring our internal business processes are running smoothly which may include quality assurance audits, quality and service evaluations, fulfilling legal requirements and conducting confidential systems maintenance and testing;
  • Enforcing our Terms and Conditions;
  • Otherwise delivering the products and services that you have requested from us and operating our business.

From time to time, we may use your personal information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our Privacy Policy. If our information practices change some time in the future, we will use your personal information for these new purposes only, and data collected from the time of the policy change forward will adhere to our updated practices.

Sharing of Your Personal Information

We do not share your personal information, except as required to manage our business, deliver our products and services to you, or to comply with legal requirements. This means that we may disclose your personal and sensitive information to:

Our clients and your potential and actual employers;

  • Referees;
  • Our insurers;
  • A Professional Association or Registered Body that has a proper and genuine interest in your personal information;
  • A Workers Compensation body;
  • Our contractors and suppliers – (inclusive of our I.T contactors and database designers);
  • Any person with lawful entitlement to obtain the information.

We may occasionally hire other organisations or individuals to provide services on our behalf, including to deliver marketing services and process financial transactions. Those organisations or individuals will be permitted to obtain only the personal information they need to deliver the relevant service. We take reasonable steps to ensure that these organisations and individuals are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.

We may share aggregate and non-personal information we collect about you with other organisations or individuals as part of our normal business operations, including advisors, suppliers and investors. In these circumstances, all personally identifiable information is removed from our data.

We do not rent, lease or in any other way provide your personal information to other organisations or individuals for marketing purposes.


A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a website’s computers and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies can be used to provide you with a tailored user experience and to make it easier for you to use a website upon a future visit. We may include cookies and other similar technologies on our website and may use them to recognize you when you return to our website.

We may use Google to collect and store information generated by cookies when you visit out website. If we use Google (Google Analytics) such information is stored on Google’s servers in the United States and is used for the purpose of maintaining and improving our website and enhancing your browsing experience.

You may set your browser so that it does not accept cookies or use Google Analytics.

Providing Limited Information

Should you choose not to provide us with information, including personal information, we ask from you, this will limit our ability to provide you with our services. This includes inhibiting our ability to locate suitable work for you.

How Do We Protect The Security of Your Information?

We will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. This includes taking appropriate security measures (including physical, electronic and procedural measures) to help safeguard your personal information from unauthorised access and disclosure. For example, your personal information is stored in secure offices and in computerized and encrypted databases which can only be accessed by authorised employees for permitted business functions. No system can be completely secure however, and while we take all reasonable steps to secure your personal information, we do not promise, and you should not expect that your personal information or communication with us will always remain secure. If there is a notifiable data breach, we will take all reasonable steps to notify you if your personal information is involved in an eligible data breach that is likely to result in serious harm.

We encourage you to take care with how you handle and disclose personal information and avoid sending personal information through unsecure email.

Gaining Access to Your Information

The Privacy Act outlines your right to request and view all personal and sensitive information that we hold about you. If you believe that personal or sensitive information that we hold about you is not accurate, complete and/or up-to-date, you may request that is be corrected. We will ask you to verify your identity before we give you access to your information or correct it, and we will try to make the process as simple as possible. If we refuse to give you access to, or correct, your information, we must notify you in writing setting out the reasons.

In the event that we are unable to agree that your personal or sensitive information is not accurate, complete and/or up-to-date, we will ask you to provide a formal statement stating your claim of inaccuracy. If you wish to exercise your rights of access and correction, please contact your consultant or company representative. If we refuse to correct your personal or sensitive information, you can also ask us to associate with it (for example, attach or link) a statement that you believe the information is incorrect and why.

If we make a correction and we have disclosed the incorrect information to others, you can ask us to tell them about the correction. We must do so unless there is a valid reason not to.

If you are no longer a customer of ours, we may still retain certain information associated with your account for record keeping integrity, and to comply with legal requirements.

External Sites

External sites that are utilised by Medimatch, such as job search sites, are not under our control and we encourage you to review their individual privacy policies. Users should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with the transmission of information via the internet and you should therefore make your assessment of the potential risk to security of your information.

Sharing Infromation for Potential Roles

We will discuss with you and gain your consent before we submit your personal and sensitive information to any of our clients. By giving this approval you authorise us to be the only agent to represent you with those particular clients. In instances where we believe that a job is available and meets your needs, we will in our sole discretion submit your details and then contact you to advise you of the role.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We will occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices, products and services. We reserve the right to make amendments to this Privacy Policy at any time. When we make changes to this policy, we will revise the “Updated” date at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

If you have any objections to our Privacy Policy, you should not access or use our website or other products and services provided by us.

How to Make a Complaint

If you wish to complain to us about how we have handled your personal information, you should complain in writing. If you need help lodging a complaint, you can contact us.

If we receive a complaint from you about how we have handled your personal information, we will respond within a reasonable period of time and determine what action (if any) we should take to resolve the complaint.

Contact us

We welcome your questions and comments regarding our Privacy Policy. If you would like further information about this policy, please contact us by any of the following means:

Call: 0481095544

(during business hours, Monday to Friday)


Post: 11, Auburn Grove, Hawthorn East 3127